Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas Tag!!

I don't usually don't do these but I thought this one was fun for the Holidays!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I am like Paige and only like wrapping paper when the gift is a perfect shaped box that is easy to odd shapes need to be in bags!

2. Tree- Real or Artificial? I like the fake ones because you can get a perfect looking tree. Sometimes real ones can be odd shaped and there harder to hang ornaments & lights on.

3. When do you put up your tree? Dec 1st!

4. When do you take down your tree? January 2nd or so!

5. Like Eggnog? No way its so grouse. Kyle loves it and always trys to get me to drink it.

6. Do you have a Nativity Scene? Not yet the one I want is a little expensive.

7. Favorite gift received as a child? I remember one year my mom ordered these newborn babies and they looked real, but they didn't come until after Christmas. Well worth it we loved them.

8. Hardest person to buy for? Now that I'm older I think Parents are the hardest. In-laws especially.

9. Easiest person to buy for? Defiantly Leyton :)

10. Worst Christmas gift recieved? Humm..thats a hard one I'll have to come back.

11. Mail or email Christmas cards? I like good old fashioned mail.

12. Favorite Christmas movie? Christmas Vacation so funny & kyle knows it by heart is a must see every year.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? December I'm trying to get better but it seems like it just sneeks up on you.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas Gift? I don't think yes, but not Christmas.

15. Favorite Food to eat on Christmas? I love ham with scalloped potatoes. However my in-law have tacos every year for Christmas. I think its weird tacos are an any day of the week food plus I have ground beef.

16. Clear or Colored lights? Clear or red & white.

17. Favorite Christmas song? I don't know theirs so many!! I love them all.

18. Travel during Christmas or stay home? Well since being married we have traveled every yr. however if I had a choice I would stay home.

19. Can you name all Santa's reindeer? Rudolf, Comet, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, I don't know!!

20. Angel or Star on top of the tree? Neither, I don't like anything on top of the tree, but growing up we always had a star on top.

21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas? We would always open one gift on Christmas Eve. PJ's of course!

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Crowds! can't avoid them.