Friday, September 14, 2007

Post Office

So I did the dumbest thing today...I think if my head wasn't attached I would for sure loose it. I had to go to the post office to mail some packages to a friend. I didn't have the boxes taped up, I just figured they would have tape for me to use at the post office. So of course they do and I tape up my boxes get them all mailed off and head out to the car. Ok where are the keys, where are they...hum I can't seem to find them anywhere...where could they be? NO they couldn't possibably be in one of the packages....oh my gosh I think they are. Ok so do I call Kyle and see if he'll come get me, NO their's no way he'll let me get a away with mailing my keys to Alabama hoping my friend will mail them back. I can just hear him now "I don't care how embarassing it is get your butt back in there and get your keys!!!" So back in to the post office I sir I think that I possibably taped my keys up in one of the packages I just sent...haha! Sure enough there they were. Possibably one of the most embarassing moments in my life.


Jen-ben said...

That's the best story! How did you not notice you packing your keys away??? Like HELLO Colette! :)
I'm glad you have a blog now!

paige said...

I told Lorin about that & he said it reminds him of something I would do...haha!

Shelley and Ryan Beauchamp Family said...

I think you should turn that story in to a magazine! You should win a prize for that one! Thanks for making my morning!

Dad & Mom said...

Great going, such a good story. Love Mom

Emily said...

What a great story! I laugh because I can relate! With the more kids I have, the less I'm aware of my surroundings. I love it! I'm glad you got your keys back.