Friday, March 27, 2009


Leyton singing I am a Child of God...and Give said the Little Stream or at least his attempt. Sorry about the fake 'burp' during the song I have no idea what that was about....except that he's a boy and thinks it's funny!

Leyton's attempt at his ABC's, once again sorry about the fake 'burp' and don't mind the nakedness...he loves to take his clothes off. In fact whenever we get together with Polly lately one of them ends up with some clothes off. Last time it was at our house and Leyton had no pants on...but the funnest was (I hope you don't mind me sharing this Paige it's too funny!) Paige and I went to McDonalds a few weeks ago and the kids were playing on the playground and it was pretty crowded...anyways I look up and see Polly going up the stairs with just underware on!!! Paige ran over to get her dressed and apparently Leyton was struggling to get his pants off!!! We had a long talk on the way home about why we don't take our clothes off when were out in public. Not sure how much he understood we'll see :)


Paige said...

What funny kids we have! :) I totally forgot to blog about the McDonalds experience...haha :)

Way to get Leyton singing on tape. I got Polly awhile back & now I get nothing but attitude & drama when i want her to perform for the camera. I'll have to show her these videos & see if she changes her mind. Maybe she will come around...hopefully she won't pick up on his fake burping...haha, j/k it's cute & i love his little personality!

Kemari said...

He is so funny! His eyes are so BIG and Brown! Yeah, his fake random burps are just typical! he is getting so big!

Emily said...

This reminds me so much of my Macy and Tanner. For years, they were ALWAYS naked together. I don't know how many pictures Jen and I have of the two of them in nothing or next-to-nothing. My favorites are the naked bum on the swing, or jumping on the tramp in the nude. Those are my favorite because if they jump high enough, the neighbors can see what incredible mothers they have! They seem to be growing out of it, but we'll see what this summer brings.

Leyton is so cute. It makes me realize that I need to get the camera out for Paige. Today (when Sacrament Meeting had already gone over by 20 minutes!!!), he and Paige were in the Women's Bathroom peeking under the stalls. Adorable!

Kelsey said...

I love it! Kids singing is the best. It's basically all Aliah ever does.