So I haven't been much of a blogger internet wasn't working for about 2 weeks so that didn't help. I'm getting way excited my countdown in getting low in case you haven't noticed. I'm ready for this baby to come :) We finally got Leyton totally potty trained this past week. He is loving it and has done a really good job. We let him pick out a new toy for going on the potty all the time and this is the helicoptor he picked out!! His cousins had them when we went to St. George and he loved them. It is now an obsession and I want to throw it away:) We also took the front off of his crib off to make it a big boy bed!! He loves it and I am amazed that so far we can put him to bed just like we always do and he actually stays....not once (yet) has he come out of his room after we put him to bed. (I realize this probably will not last but its been nice so far) In fact he still yells for me to come get him in the morning even though he can get out himself.
Here is a random old picture I just uploaded off my camera.... I got out of the shower one day and this was how I found Leyton watching his cartoons with his stuffed animals...I thought it was so funny!
What a year!
9 years ago
so now what san we get him for his bday? I was set to get him one of those!!!! they are annoying, wait until they aren't as functional and the fun that produces! I am so proud of him going potty! what a good week!
What fun! Congrats on getting him potty trained - we will have to give you his sweatpants & underwear back soon, I'm pretty sure Polly has been wearing them - I'll have to get her some "cars" underwear for some kind of reward! She loves them! Haha! It seems like forever since we have hung out, we have had too much going on. I"m ready for sunny weather & some hanging out at the park!
Isn't it amazing how fast they catch on to things when they decide its time! One baby in diapers instead of two! You should buy yourself a present!
By the way, the lady that reprimanded Austin yesterday wasn't even in our ward. She was the grandmother of some children whose parents weren't there. I think that bugged me even more!
Congrats on potty training! Leyton is too handsome and watching cartoons with his animals is awesome. I love it!
6 more weeks!! Woo hoo!
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