Sunday morning we got to fly up to Seattle to meet all of the Beauchamp's for the Monday night Mariners Game. I guess you could call it our family home evening. It was so fun to get away even though the Mariners lost :( I don't remember who they lost to...thats how much I really paid attention to the game. I could tell you the score however!
Our brother in law rents a press box so with all the food and kids running around you really don't pay attention to the game. Heres a few pictures from our fun trip! We got to go down on the field (where Leyton got his first splinter from one of the players benches) Then we meet there mascot a moose...who knows his name. Leyton was terrified of him if you can't tell form the picture.

We also took a "ride the ducks tour" of the city. The tour bus/boat really was a bus that turned into a boat. We started out touring the city and ended up in the water. Its such a pretty city if you've never been. Leyton however fell asleep on the tour before we made it to the water. We also went to the aquarium and got to do a little shopping...since our hotel was right downtown within walking distance to all the shops. All of that cramed into about a day and a half. It was tiring but great fun to see all of Kyle's family.

Our brother in law rents a press box so with all the food and kids running around you really don't pay attention to the game. Heres a few pictures from our fun trip! We got to go down on the field (where Leyton got his first splinter from one of the players benches) Then we meet there mascot a moose...who knows his name. Leyton was terrified of him if you can't tell form the picture.

We also took a "ride the ducks tour" of the city. The tour bus/boat really was a bus that turned into a boat. We started out touring the city and ended up in the water. Its such a pretty city if you've never been. Leyton however fell asleep on the tour before we made it to the water. We also went to the aquarium and got to do a little shopping...since our hotel was right downtown within walking distance to all the shops. All of that cramed into about a day and a half. It was tiring but great fun to see all of Kyle's family.

A bus that turns into a boat? I guess I wasn't paying very good attention last night when we were talking because I do not remember that! That is so cool, it's like chitty chitty bang bang!
I want to ride a floating bus! I love vacations. Life just stops for awhile, and then when you get back home you appreciate it a little more. At least I do for a couple of weeks, then I'm ready to vacation again!
How fun! I love the little passes & how they even have everyone's name on them!
Fun trip! I don't blame Leyton for being scared. That actually looks a little freaky to me too(bad childhood experience with people dressed in animal suits). Sorry, I forgot you were gone and called you a couple times. :)
What a fun little getaway! It looks like you guys had a great time. I love the pictures with Leyton walking around with his little "pass" around his neck. He is adorable!
Okay C it's time for a new post! I have given you several ideas for some posts that would be hits I know it!!!
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