Monday, September 6, 2010

Bang...bang..(no injurys occured as a reslut of this activity)

Miss Polly!

Scary scary.... 2 girls with big guns!! (I'd run the other way)

So we took a quick trip down to Utah the 1st of August....& by quick I mean a long 10 hr drive for only a few days :( We came down because Kyle was running in the Provo 1/2 marathon. Way to go Kyle (maybe someday I'll attempt it...maybe) He did really good it took him 2hrs & 4 min. What a stud!! (I forgot to take my camera to the was early what can I say. ) So any ways we got a chance to hangout with Lorin & Paige...and this is what we did!

Paige...she was a pro!

Leyton with a little help from daddy!! Don't they look cute?

Polly & Leyton being cute!! It was like they still see each other all the time!! They got along so good... he misses her! Lately he's always talking about if we think he could walk all the way to Pollys fact he was so excited to see her he wouldn't go to sleep in the car & when we were about 2 hrs away... he goes "mom I see it...I can see Pollys house" beleive me the only thing in sight was milies & miles of fields, but who knows maybe he really could.


Kemari said...

love it! you should put a gun photo up as your facebook profile pic! awesome!

Jamie Martin said...

It is a little scary seeing you with a gun (reminds me a little of Martha, haha), but I am sure it was tons of fun!!! Your kids are so cute! Miss you!

Kelsey said...

Yea another post! Finally! Haha. What a fun trip. You could totally do the Marathon! Where was the little one?

andrea said...

that looked like so much fun!