Here are the pictures of the actual stitches. So sad. I am really hoping that they don't scar bad. I took Leyton to the grocery store the day after and I think that a few little kids got scared by the sight. I heard one little boy (after looking and them with a terrified face) say to his mother that something was wrong with the baby's face. I suppose if you've never seen stitches before its a pretty scary sight. Needless to say I put a band aid on them the next time I went out.
What a year!
9 years ago
poor baby! what a sweet little boy. he looks so much like you. i didn't know that you are 29. so am i. i just always feel so old. i feel like everyone is younger than i am.
They look good. It looks like the doctors did a really good job, that should help with the scaring. And the little creams really do work. I've used them before to fade scars. Neosporine while it's healing is the best, but I don't know if you can put it over the stitches. I'm proud of him though. Every little boy needs bruises and scars. It gives him character.
When he gets them out, or even now, you can open a gel tablet of Vitamin E and put it on the scar. It should help minimize the size and scope of the scar. can completely ignore me and do whatever you feel is best as a mom.
Poor little guy!
Cute new layout! Do you like it? It's so fun to have something new I think. I just got your message on my blog ... you are so funny. I guess I do like to plan, but I am RARELY out the door doing errants at 9:00 - it was just since Polly got up so early & I wanted to get there early enough for McDonald's breakfast. So now you know the truth! And I am okay at being spontaneous... like going to Iggy's - that was totally last minute. I guess I'm not as organized as I thought. :)
Oh my goodness!! Poor guy! I can't believe none of my kids have had to get stitches yet (knock on wood)!
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